BD sabe do nada um tudo.

"Destruction - She (Death) said we all not only could know everything. We do. We just tell ourselves we don't to make it more bearable.

Dream - That seems unlikely.

Destruction - That was what I said to her. I said, if they do that, why do they keep wandering around and falling down manholes and tripping banana skins. Why does it seem like none of us... Endless or mortal, ghost or god ... knows what we're doing?

Dream - And she said?

Destruction - I told you. She said everyone knows everything. We just pretend to ourselves we don't. I never knew what to make of that.

Delirium - She Is. Um. RiGhT. KIND of. Not KNOWING EVERYthIng is aLL thAt makeS IT OK." - Sandman, Brief Lives, escrito por Neil Gaiman

Absoluten Calfeutrail por Moebius.

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